Rupture and Repair, Origin and Large Scale

Rupture and Repair Origin, Back,
Jenny Rangan, Ceramic, 1.5ft
My sculpture, Rupture and Repair, Large Scale, will be at the Flying Horse Outdoor Sculpture Show at Pingree School in Hamilton MA, 537 Highland St., 9/2/23-11/26/23, viewable dawn to dusk. I have been getting an MA in Art Therapy at Lesley University and have been developing a clay, saggar firing workshop called Rupture and Repair, a process of making, breaking and putting back together again to develop resilience with life challenges.

Rupture and Repair Origin, Front,
Jenny Rangan, Ceramic, 1.5ft
I made my first piece in this way. (Rupture and Repair Origin, first two pics). As I was filming it, it fell over and broke again. The next day I had a hemorrhagic stroke. I was able to repair it after a few months and now 9 months later, I am repaired as well. A little slow on remembering names, but mostly back together again. Rupture and Repair Large Scale (pic 3 and 4) is a life size version of that first sculpture. Hope you get a chance to see it in person!

Rupture and Repair, Large Scale, Front
Jenny Rangan, Ceramic, 4.5ft
Rupture and Repair, Large Scale, Back
Jenny Rangan, Ceramic, 4.5ft